Translations Are Challenging: Metaphrase vs. Paraphrase; Etymology and Semmes; Art vs. Science; and finally, Language Localization – Has the World Actually Changed?
It seems that down through the ages, people like Cicero, Martin Luther, John Dryden, Samuel Johnson,
Johann Gottfried Herder, and Ignacy Krasicki (all translators, in addition to their day jobs) seemed to have much respect, not to mention a viewpoint, concerning the translation of the written word. See
Take, for example, the word „actual“ in English. As one continues to read on the aforementioned Wikipedia page, there are many definitions to consider as actual is translated in a few of the listed languages. And, if you don’t have a migraine yet, read on.
Allow Apex Translation Services to take on such challenges for you……especially with words like actual.
We at Apex employ the tested and credentialed experts who can detect the nuances, the cultures, and the language localization needed for your business purposes and profitability. They are published authors in their field and their language pairs. Our translators at Apex Translation Services have studied in the US, abroad, and in their native countries. They have passed Apex‘ ongoing scrutiny and world-wide benchmarks of translation excellence.
Looking back, the Industrial Revolution, which made its entrance in the world in the nineteenth century, required translations for many workers, trying to interpret manuals, guild benchmarks, and guidelines for machinery operation and maintenance that were unrelentingly complex. The world was rapidly changing, and translations were front and center on a global stage which made this world turn in a modern format. In the same manner today, aren’t we, as a world, changing in almost the same way WITH even more languages, countries, cultures, challenges, and global communities vying for business attention globally?
Now, the High Tech-Communication Age is a large part of everyone’s life. Today, everyone, no matter the economic background, seems to own or have access to a screen which can be logged into, no matter your particular geography at the moment. Translations, again, are sorely needed now, perhaps more than ever before. You’ll need accuracy. You’ll need a reliable voice anticipating challenges of a multilingual world. You can depend upon Apex Translation Services.
The world continues to turn on its axis. Now is the time for Apex Translation Services to assist you with a future that belongs to the written and spoken words of the world. Let Apex Translation Services unlock those meanings and business opportunities for you.